shoes: converse brand. socks: smith's marketplace. skirt: gap. shirt & belt: thrifted. cardigan: old navy. watch: target. earrings: hawaii. necklace: don't recall. balloon: dollar store on valentine's day.

It is with full understanding that I'll probably be shunned by the fashion purists of the world (all of whom flock to this blog on the daily to adjust their own style decisions. Natch.), but I couldn't help myself: Red chucks it was, and had to be. They make no sense here, and I recognize that. The beautiful thing, though, is that they fit right in, because in all actuality, NOTHING makes sense in this ensemble. Some days are just like that, at least for me.

Mysterious, no?

No? Just plain weird? Drat. I've always wanted to be that woman-with-a-hint-of-a-what's-her-story?-aura. Okay, that's a lie. I've never wanted to be that woman. I've mostly wanted to be the woman who is able to eat like a horse and end up losing weight. Got myself an O-fer.

Instead, I guess I'll settle for being the woman I actually am: an active mommy who enjoys doing pleasantly unexpected things like baking cookies at dinnertime (check), reading 4 stories at bedtime instead of 2 (check), and wearing red converse with a floral pencil skirt and uber-bright sweater (check-check).

Oh, and for the record, I would've nixed the knee-highs in lieu of bare legs to simplify this a bit, but it's still too blasted cold for that. So. I figured another faux paux (sp?) couldn't hurt...this one's on the house.

pssst...Purists? See y'all tomorrow, right guys?....ladies?...oh esteemed ones? nuts.

Happy happy Thursday!

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