shoes: converse brand. jeans & jacket: kohl's. shirt: gap. belt: don't recall. bracelet: forever21. flower hair clips: gift. earrings: hawaii.

Hey guys. It's Friend Friday, topic:
What are the top 5 Spring trends that you are looking forward to seeing/sporting this season?

1. Salmon/coral colored anything.
2. Maxi dresses.
3. Strappy metallic sandals.
4. Floralicious...ness.
5. Skirts skirts skirts. And more skirts.

Welp. There you have it. Quite possibly the shortest post you'll ever read on this blog. Enjoy it while it lasts...

...because it's not lasting long. Remember how, just yesterday, it was totally springy and warm and sunny outside in my world? Guess who now has substantial evidence to prove, beyond reasonable doubt, Mother Nature's bipolarity? Yeah, ME. Because today is snaining (my pet name for nasty snow-rain), dark and gloomy, cold. Boo.

When I was younger, I always wanted to live somewhere it rained a lot. Like Seattle or Portland. I found the gloom of a rainy day somewhat cozy and heartwarming. I also liked a boy with a mullet in 5th grade. So. Nothing against Seattle or Portland. It's just that my pre-teen preferences were questionable and shouldn't be used against me now.

But there's a silver lining to the snain. It's spelled "s-i-l-v-e-r l-i-n-i-n-g" but is pronounced "mint chocolate chip ice cream with homemade hot fudge sauce." Mmmm...

Happy Friday.

p.s. Check out my guest post for No Guilt Fashion's Mom Week!

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