"What the red tights?!" You're thinking that, aren't you. I know, I know. But they fall into my "Unexpected and Maybe Awesome" category today because, really, what else is this outfit but fairly mundane without a pop of orangey-red at the knee?

Truth be told, this is the first time I've worn these tights. I actually didn't think they'd be so bright (I'm pleasantly surprised, mind you. But still, you know, surprised.), so as I was drifting off to sleep last night dreaming about combinations that could come out of my closet (please please tell me I'm not the only one out there who does this?), in my mind they possessed the same hue neutrality (hue-trality? I think I'm onto something here) as my boots.

[Editor's note: This kind of skewed thinking can sometimes get me into trouble. Like when I decide that eating a pound of M&Ms really really fast will actually be GOOD for me, because (a) it'll put my metabolism into hyperdrive (yep) and (b) there will be no more M&Ms around to tempt me, so I'm actually doing myself a favor.]

So. Blah blah blah. Red tight randomness. I decided on this skirt that has a very small green and navy check, but from afar it reads as fairly neutral. I needed some kind of pattern in here, anyway, and the skirt kinda sorta filled that gap. Added a navy button-up and a brown leather belt. Originally, I had my blue shirt untucked and a different, more feminine belt worn on top, a little higher on my waist. But I think the waist detailing in this skirt is too cute to cover up, so I tucked the shirt and belted the skirt.

At this point, everything was looking okay but overall was pretty dark. 'Cept the tights, of course. Like a lighthouse, they were. But I added my very most favorite ivory cableknit cardigan (with a fur-ish lined hood, no less! Sweet!), an orangey-red necklace pendant paired with some glam grey beads, and my trusty boots.

"What? No bracelets?" you ask. [Editor's note: Dare I assume you've even read this far? Gold star for you. And one for your dog, too, whose typical brisk evening walk must now be significantly downgraded to a stroll to the mailbox and back due to the unnecessary length of this post.] Nope, no bracelets. Could've, but didn't. After all, I wanted the tights to shine, baby, shine.

Happy Monday.


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