It's Paul's & my 9th anniversary today. The very very happiest years of my life. He's the best. Evidence? He lets me call him "Pauly Pocket." And sometimes just "Pocket" for short.
And he's not letting me pluck our chicken dinner tonight. Sooo, yeah. Billions of gold stars and smooches for him.
And we've celebrated so far by cleaning the house, changing the oil on the truck, making a trip to the grocery store, exercising, playing with kids, and watching football on TV. We're about to take the kids sledding. Which is why I'm dressed like this. Nothing like an argyle turtleneck sweater to scream ski-lodginess. If only I had a cardigan with moose and brass buttons on it, I'd throw that on, too.
I won't be wearing this for our actual anniversary celebration, of course. Because what I wear tonight may or may not (with heavy emphasis on may not) be appropriate to post here.
Happy Saturday.
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