Raise your hand if you have a bajillion things to do today. Or touch your nose if you're too lazy to raise your hand but still have lots to do. Or, fine, will you at least mentally acknowledge that today's to-do list is long but you're drawn to your laptop (and, consequently, this post) like a moth to the bug-zapper light? [Editor's note: No, but seriously, have you ever watched a bug-zapper in action? It's, like, 15% disturbing, 60% awesome, and whatever-percentage-is-left mesmerizing. You should try it sometime.]
ANYway. Now that we've established that we're all busy people today (or, for those of you who've fallen asleep during this exercise, established that we have other more important things to do today than read this), let's get to it.
Today's jumping-off point is a little surprising. Because nothing in this outfit looks like it goes together. Which is why I think the whole thing is Unexpected & Maybe Awesome. But I started with this striped sweater. I don't wear it too much because it's long and horizontally striped and, therefore, makes my naturally square torso look suspiciously like a refrigerator box.
But the colors are warm, casual, comfortable, and quite inducive to doing a lot of errandy-type things. Which, as we've established, today's schedule is chock-full of. Plus, I was feeling a little rebellious today. Maybe it's the fact that this is the last day I'll ever live as a 30-year-old. Or the fact that Santa has obviously assembled his nice/naughty lists already, so what the heck, let's break some rules. But either way, I wanted to mix some patterns and colors.
[Editor's note: That's not the extent of my rebelliousness, you die-hards. Stop rolling your eyes at me. I may or MAY NOT have rinsed off my crusty breakfast dishes before putting them in the dishwasher this morning, either. And the day is still young, too, sooooo... don't judge too hastily. This girl can get cuh-raaazyeeee...]
So. Patterns: stripes, plaid, flowery/butterfly-y. There really is no reason or method for putting them together. But I think they're tied together nicely with some purple tights, brown leather belt, and some brown boots. I actually like the end result. I feel like, "hey, kids, go ahead and wipe your pnut-butter-encrusted-fingers on me today...it'll form a pattern on my clothes and fit right in." And, frankly, I like that kind of carefree.
Now, you'll have to excuse me. I'm off to do more rebellious things. Like, maybe NOT dusting a bookshelf that desperately needs it. Mwhwhahahahahaaaa...
Happy Thursday.
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