'tis very early saturday morning here in ol sydney-town. rain has been blanketing the city since midday yesterday and seems it will never stop. What a funny state the world becomes when the weather gets out of kilter! A dark sky, the gently pitter-patter of salty rain and suddenly.... traffic turns to gridlock, people cancel plans, abandoned umbrellas turned inside out from gusty wind line the footpath and inappropriately dressed girls wail and clutch the hems of their crotch-skimming skirts. 

All trains going to the eastern 'burbs were cancelled this afternoon so I walked home from the CBD in the rain; one of my favourite things to do. I shoved my mangled umbrella in my bag, pushed my fringe out of my eyes with my fabulous new Mimco headband (thank you zeddy! -- who ever said rain was unfashionable?) and fast-forwarded to the rainy-day tunes on my ipod. 

I've been listening to a lot of Girl Talk lately which is peculiar considering i ab-so-lu-tely HATED him when he first made the aussie airwaves a year or so back. I think his mash-up remixes are pretty freakin' good though, and it's grown on me to the point that it's the first music i play when i leave the house each morning. Something about it puts a little hop-skip-jump in my step. You can listen for yourself on his myspace page; my faves are In Step, Here's The Thing + Let Me See You. 

I went to sushi + el cheapo vino night with friends this evening; now I am sprawled out on my bed with the windows pushed wide open and a strong breeze cool on my cheeks. Somewhere far in the distance someone is playing wailing Irish tunes, and a girl is yelling repeatedly for a taxi. Sires are bleating, cicadas are chirping and the sweet tang of dope wafts through my bedroom window. Talk about oxymorons.

And the air smells damp, like it's been locked up for years and years, left in a heap in the back of someone's Great Aunt Mildred's mothball-ridden closet. Now it's finally been released and is playing havoc on all the sandal-wearing, sunscreen-toting city residents. 

Tomorrow the wind will halt and change direction, the clouds will sink lower and the sun will rise high in the morning air, raising the temp to a sweltering 34 degrees. Hello summer dresses! no wonder we're all so bloody confused...

ness x


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