my next door neighbour, my very super-muscly tank-top-wearing neighbour, is playing Britney Spears and Aretha Franklin on repeat. i figure i have two options: a) be amused. b) be frightened. c) raise the stakes in this music-war and crank up the volume on my own stereo. really, just ANYTHING to drown out the whine of britney --  so i chose option C.

my tunes of choice is Ladyhawke, excellent at blocking out the high-pitched wailing of hit me baby one more time. i mean, seriously. SERIOUSLY? what can he be doing in there that needs the vocal styling of Aretha and Britney to guide him? what, lifting weights? making beans on toast? crying or laughing or wallowing or having sex? whatever it is, surely he can find someone more interesting, less women-hear-me-roar kind of music to listen to.

personally, i find Josh Pyke to be kind to my ears when i feel like crap, i love Charlotte Gainsbourg and Nouvelle Vague when i feel the need to dance around my apartment in my underwear, the Kooks when i need someone to just shout at me and Sarah Blasko when... well, always...

this has got to be my most favourite video clip ever. no matter how shitty i am, this always makes me laugh. 

oh gawd, now i think he's playing the soundtrack from that god-awful movie Britney did a thousand years ago, Crossfire something-or-other. this must stop. NOW. does anyone have any ideas as to how i can alleviate my poor, crying ears? anyone?


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