one of my best friends and I have a secret talent; we are both amazingly brilliant at discovering new and unknown music acts (oh and we're terribly modest too. right prue?). When we were working together at the adelaide fringe festival, we'd spend a good deal of the day chit-chatting on MSN (i should probably mention we sat about 5 metres apart) about absolute nonsense, and sending back and forth little clips of our favourite tunes. 

we both have a deep love for quiet music; beautifully orchestrated little humming-birds of songs that don't yell or scream or patronise you. it's the soothing factor i think that does it for me; the sense of utter giddiness of listening to something honest and quietly important. Quirky lyrics most often make an appearance, together with a good deal of foot-tapping goodness.

we both lay claim to having 'discovered' the musical genius of the extraordinary Cathy Petozc (even the experts agreed; a month or two after we had waxed lyrical about her sweet voice, she won a triple j unearthed/fuse festival competition). Cathy's songs employ few lyrics; but the words that she does use are hauntingly candid, and portray a songwriter with a refreshing take on the world. Her songs are like moving poems, sweet and youthfully sensual. They remind me of liquid gold, so smooth is her voice. she is Australia's very own Regina Spektor.

If you find yourself a lady of leisure (or a gentleman, for that matter) this weekend, make yourself a steamy mug of spicy chai, buy a custard danish and curl up in front of your laptop. Open up your browser and head to - i now give you permission to crank that volume waaay up, throw open the shutters and let down your hair. Losing yourself in the magic of a veritable wonderland of completely untouched, brand-spankin' new music acts is the most... satisfying feeling. 

When i feel restless in the world, and i'm feeling a little disjointed and out-of-step, this always helps. I have a feeling it might be just the thing for you too. My picks this week are:

Sarah Humphreys (download: ghost on the roof + waiting to burn)
Margaret Helen King (download: move faster, it makes you more alive)
Little Scout (download: dead loss + the festival)
Laura K (download: dead flat)
Hannah&Sam (download: who's bitten me?)
The John Steel Singers (download: strawberry wine)
Helen Shanahan (download: little boy)
Sam Buckingham (download: sweetest sound
Rachel Gorman (download: traveling light)
Emily Smart (download: italy, easily broken)

let it all go...

ness x


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