My music-love of the moment is FisherKing, a four piece Indie outfit from Sydney. When I'm at work late, I crank up triplej on my blue Tivoli radio; it keeps me company. I discovered this jewel of a band Thursday night while suffering from writers block and in desperate need of inspiration. Their debut single Smelling Roses did it for me; hopefully it gets your creativity racing too.

And for those trashy TV junkies (okay, me), I hope you've all been keeping up with the goss -- Whitney from The Hills is getting her own show, 'The City". Trailer is below. I just can't wait to spend an hour watching the fashionista stumble through the NY fashion world, with her breathy little-girl voice and incessant need to ask the most ridiculously obvious questions. the Australian boy is smokin' though...  Ah, i see another drinking game on the horizon...

happy sunday!
ness x


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