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plastic is spasticplastic is spastic

along with moronic parents who smoke around their children and ppl who thnk its gr8 to rite n typ n txt lnge, plastic bags rate extremely high on my burn in hell list. plastic bags don't just urk me... no, the very sight of them leaves me twitchy and sweaty, hot blood rushes to my ears and i feel st…

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tonight I had my friend CM over for an evening of Good Bad TV (you know, those shows/movies that are so horrifically bad that they're actually good), which obviously called for some delicious baked goods. Inspired by a recipe posted recently on one of my fave blogs, Pia Jane Biljkerk, I decided to p…

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chaos theorychaos theory

My apartment building is in the most densely populated suburb in Australia, or so they say. Summer comes, the windows go up and it's amazing what you overhear. We are all sandwiched together in our squat art deco buildings, separated only by alleyways where homeless men come to rest their heads. Tin…

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a pomea pome

today a friend asked me where the little quote up there below my blog name came from. when the world is puddle-wonderful just so happens to be one of my favourite lines from a poem written by the great ee cummings:Just Springin Just-spring       when the world is mud-luscious the littlelame balloonm…

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the fug classthe fug class

bah! so i'm innocently sitting at my desk, reading my emails, perusing the online news and all my daily website hits and suddenly, wham - i read this and seriously, water shoots out of my nose. probably not the best work decorum but whatev. if you've been watching/mocking the new 90210, i advise you…

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the beauty of creationthe beauty of creation

While i'm sitting here watching the emmys (award ceremonies are my guilty pleasure) i thought i'd share with you two of my latest discoveries to start the week off. First, i have a major girl crush on UK designer Lucy Jane Batchelor. I've never met her, but i have fallen head over heels for her de…

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"i don't think we're in kansas anymore, toto"

confession #5 so, it's 9am on a saturday morning and i'm - shock horror! - awake. not only that, but i'm also showered and dressed and hair-straightened, have defrosted and cleaned my fridge, done one load of laundry with one more in the machine and read The Australian front to back. i have to admit…

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life is a stagelife is a stage

last night i went to the Wharf to attend the opening night of Border Project's Highway Rock 'n' Roll Disaster, presented as a side project by the Sydney Theatre Company. my extremely talented friend dave is in it, and his band, Lions at Your Door, played afterwards. the play only runs for 10 days, b…

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storm in a teacupstorm in a teacup

confession #4 i had a bit of a freakout tonight. i have the loveliest pair of diamond earrings my mum gave me for my 21st birthday. they are sparkly and beautiful and i am so paranoid of losing them that i find myself constantly patting my earlobes at totally inappropriate moments. so tonight i was …

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something wicked this way comessomething wicked this way comes

outside, the air is steamy and the wind pulsates wildly through tree branches. leaves linger on the footpath, dogs yap from inner-city courtyards and there's a subtle mumbling from the dark clouds above. i've always loved the ominous weather that comes with the changing of the seasons. it reminds me…

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a tale of one citya tale of one city

all the rad things i did in adelaide...1. breakfasting with my papa on hutt street. over baked eggs in the glint of the morning sun we talked politics and work ethic, then wandered the aisles of hardware shops.2. catching up with my precious coc girls over copious amounts of wine. if i collapse of a…

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a sweet sort of clanginga sweet sort of clanging

when i left adelaide a year ago to start a new life in sydney-town, there wasn't much I thought I'd miss apart from my family and friends. after 21 years of living in one city, it felt like i had eaten at every decent restaurant, explored nearly every alleyway and discovered all the best boutiques. …

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the secret life of nessthe secret life of ness

a lovely friend of mine tagged me to do the following meme. tis my first venture into the meme world, so please feel free to skip today's post if it's feeling a tad self-indulgent... four jobs i have had in my life1. children's birthday party entertainer. i worked for a chain-smoking woman called Pa…

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the great wallthe great wall

Even though renting means you can't drill holes to mount frames, or paint or knock down walls, there's just so much you can do to create a stylish space without making any drastic changes. A wall decal is my favourite way to dress up a room. Versatile and inexpensive, a decal can be removed and swap…

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pears and honeypears and honey

hello lovelies. just a short post tonight I'm afraid. didn't leave work till 7, had to rush like a crazy loony to yoga, and just spent the last hour chatting to one of my best friends who is currently stuck in canberra working for a crazy children's theatre show. fun times... it's too late for a pro…

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moody huesmoody hues

even when i was a wee ness i had a mood board. 'cept back then i called it a pin-up board, and it had more cutouts of obscure ballerinas than anything else. i love to have a beautiful, ever-changing mood board to look at wherever it is that I'm working; not only does it inspire me but every photo, c…

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