hello lovelies. just a short post tonight I'm afraid. didn't leave work till 7, had to rush like a crazy loony to yoga, and just spent the last hour chatting to one of my best friends who is currently stuck in canberra working for a crazy children's theatre show. fun times...

it's too late for a proper meal so i've been nibbling on a crisp green pear and honey on rye bread. delish! sometimes it's the simplest foods that are the most satisfying. i work longish hours so don't really get the chance to cook on weeknights, especially in winter. most often i end up with a tuna and spinach salad or winter soup or (my fave) a cheese and tomato toastie. 

on weekends i love to get a bit more creative, cook up a gourmet breaky or slow cook some atlantic salmon and vine-ripened tomatoes. when i get stuck for inspiration and my recipe books just aren't helping, i love perusing food blogs. there are very few writers who can describe food in a beautiful and descriptive way, without using the same adjectives over and over again. when reading food writing you should be able to taste each individual flavour on the tip of your tongue, smell the richness of the food waft under your nose and understand the different textures and layers.

so if you've got a fridge full of fresh produce this weekend but need a little boost of inspiration or just want to try something a little bit different, give these blogs a try...

jenjen is a sydney gal who loves snapping up a tasty bargain at the produce markets on the weekend. brilliant photographer - if nothing else check this out for the photos. she's currently living it up in london-town and keeping very detailed notes of all she eats. tres` jealous...

i love LOVE this girl. she writes so naturally, whether its about beetroot curry or vegemite on turkish toast. her cooking adventures with her housemates are hilarious to read too. if you're curious about how the name stone soup came about -- it's actually from one of my favourite fables, which you can read here

believe me, she has! this global foodie has a goal to go everywhere and sample every kind of cuisine. from southern US-style fried chicken to tom yum soup in korea to handmade gelato in nepal, prepare to get veeery envious... and hungry!

and your spoon, rolling pin and an apron. this blogger is a true blue aussie foodie. she shops with the best of them at the pyrmont fresh growers market, finds herself at an all-you-can-eat Brazilian Churrasco Banquet and gives honest and sharp reviews of local eateries. the photos are fab too.

happy eating! ness x


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