Contrary to popular belief, the number two isn't as easy to replicate as it might seem. Don't tell me you haven't discussed this with at least three of your closest friends, either.
shoes: steve madden. jeans & striped sweater: american eagle outfitters. shirt: j.crew. watch: target. earrings: hawaii. flower barrette: forever 21.

A few days ago I was playing barbies with my 4-year-old, and the pillow was Mermaid Rock, and the barbies were going to have a party there. My barbie tried to get the party started by getting her groove on (she has some sweet dance moves. like me. I could rock a dance floor. and have. and will again.) [Editor's note: Which would all be absolutely true if I wasn't lying...]

Anyway. Layla's barbie politely informed mine that, "Sorry, we don't dance at this party."
Mine: "Oh. Okay." [Long, awkward barbie pause.] "Soooo...what do we do?"
Layla: "Um, I dunno. Talk about gowns?"

So that's exactly how our barbies partied. In fake high-pitched southern drawls that, coincidentally, my daughter and I both naturally use for barbie's default voice-over.

Fast-forward to my hot date with late-night TV last night (sure missing Pocket around here. Especially when I remembered, too late, that today's garbage day and I didn't take the trash out.) and an old episode of What Not To Wear, when someone quoted Coco Chanel as saying something to the effect of, "When you get dressed, put everything on, then take one thing off."

I have no idea if this is true or not. But I will say this: I almost busted out a necklace with today's ensemble, but then I didn't. I think Coco would be proud. In fact, her people totally called my people today to express just such a sentiment. FINE, they didn't. But they wanted to, I just know it. Regardless, you all can start calling me Brittbritt. In high-pitched accents. Obviously.

Happy Wednesday!

How I last wore these pieces: boyfriend jeans, striped sweater, mustard shirt.

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